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Updated: Aug 22, 2023

Fundraising starts with you and everyone who can help to make this world a better place like the iconic legend Michael Jackson said.

But Garth Thompson knows that charity interest is within all of us today and tomorrow. Giving is the best we can do to help humanities. plans to call on each one that he meets to giveback through community giving.

The organization

plans to raising-funds for community giving.

Fundraiser GCPTALKS 501c3 type DONATE

Our artwork logo of

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Updated: Aug 22, 2023

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People who support you in what you are pursuing as long as you do not involved in any operation that is not appropriate. We are about community and giving and if your aim is about humanity and your story let's support you today.

Let our supporters know of you and get involved. Announce your awareness on our website.

Get involved with making a difference in yourself and community. Contact us let us know what you are about.

Here is our logo

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It's Our Humanitarian Cry Movement

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