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The Secretary of the USA non profit Garth Charity Projects, Inc. Our Secretary shall manage the official meetings call minutes and updates the entire meetings of the of what happen previously and recall records keeping of the last meeting. He or she shall inform the office of Board of Directors, and the Founder and President of meetings. The Secretary is the chief officer of data, and files of documents of the Garth Charity Projects, Inc. The Secretary is the first officer to meet, and great other entities representative for the Garth Charity Projects. All charity transaction must go through the Secretary, if and when meeting is active. Our meeting must have an active Secretary or Assistant Secretary. If the General Secretary or Assistant Secretary is not present at the meeting then the Office Manager or Executive Office Manager can then sit in the meeting as the substitute Secretary, and take notes. Power of the Office Manager is limited, and he or she can only give note to the General Secretary about the meeting.

See Our Services



Secretary of meetings



Executive Secretary of GCP

Introduce meeting!  The official officer of dictations, Portfolio, Typing, Office-Business, Calls and addressing the Garth Charity Projects, Inc, links, or connect data, and record filing and holding.


Assistant Secretary

Head of  File security

Introducing the Secretary Assistant officer. The second secretary. Acting for the Secretary.  Connecting with visitors, Business associates. Managing data, files, collecting info, typing & More.


Committee Manager

Supervising members of committee

Introducing committee manager Dept, it's a rule that committee manager shall attend meetings.  Committee official con not take notes. < More Details >

Our Non Profit Garth Charity Projects, Inc standing up for humanity cries from
   within, the United States and to the branch within, Jamaica and else where.

Contact Secretary for Updated Info
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