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Garth Thompson

Founder and President

    Garth Thompson

Dear Donors 
Greeting, and thanks for stopping by
Garth Charity Projects and GCPTALKS

You're on but know that both and are partners. Both organizations are servants of the communities for a good cause. 

 Your information of the tax-deductible letter, will be posted on GarthCharityProjects. And on GCPTALKS nonprofit organization as well, to inform you better.

Donors, when you donate to a cause and to, where you see the fundraiser and symbol-Logo, Photo, message, Seal, Name of Organization that indicate it's us that you are well informed.

You will obtain your tax-deductible letter from an agent, officer, or from the Founder and President. A tax-deductible letter is about your funds. It's your donation to support us in return you received.

Therefore, your 501(c)(3) tax-deductible letter you received shall present to you like this. GCPTALKS IRS's Code, Section 501(c)(3) tax-deductible Number 83,3626977.

We have a determination letter, and we are with the largest nonprofit organization in America and Canada GuideStar and candid.

Additional Information GuideStar and Candid

Garth Charity and

Founder and President 
Garth Thompson

Tax-Deductible information GCPTALKS.ORG


Tax-Deductible Info


Tax-Deductible Info


Tax=Deductible Info

Donors understand that we appreciate you, and you're welcome to donate towards community dire needs.

We want for you to  be a part of our giving today?

Donors you will receive a tax-deductible letter when you donate to GCPTALKS nonprofit organization.

Click Donate with PayPal today?

We can hand you your tax filling document or send it in the mail.  Etc.

Therefore, you  can donate and receive a copy that you donate to our cause. For Charity and other support, supporting operations as well.

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