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The Branch of Jamaica

The Branch of where the non profit will be located is in the Parish of St James, City of Montego Bay, Jamaica West Indies. If any interested persons would or willing to support the non profit in person, there is a procedure of steps to take to have a discussion about our benefits and pertaining to your supporting us on the non profit operation. 

Founder & President 
Garth Thompson <

Jamaica Branch
The Executive Senior Vice ​President of
Operation and Finance
Hyacinth Thompson <

Jardon Baillie <
Assistant Vice President of Operation 
Management & Secretary

Alternate Director of Branch
corresponding to board of Directors

Executive Treasure 

Fundraising Director and Marketing Director

Jordon Ballie <
Secretary of Branch

Assistant Secretary

Ryan Sherrington <
Secretary of Society

Executive Office Manager

Community Health Director

Executive Projects Advocate
MARLEEN Thompson-Young <

Projects General Manager
Raymond Thompson <

Community Relations Project

GCP Branch Committee

If you have any concerns share your details, we would like to hear your complaint through our Click contact

Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officers
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Official Officer
Special Assistant VIP
Field Officer of the Branch
Offical Officer

 < Other Department >
Contact Branch of Jamaica office for info

Our Non Profit Garth Charity Projects, Inc standing up for humanity cries from
   within, the United States and to the branch within, Jamaica and else where.

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